Monday, 26 November 2012

Dumb ways to die

Instantly fell in love with this campaign video! Partially because of the catchy song, which was written by Ollie McGill (member of the amazing band The Cat Empire) and partially well, because it's funny! ;)

Apparently I am not the only one who thinks that. The campaign video was launched 12 days ago and has already 25 million views on YouTube. It reminds me of the once popular series Happy Tree Friends, which showed a bit more brutal deaths than the ones of these little fellas.

The dumbest ways to die are through train accidents, which is revealed at the end of the video. In an effort to reduce the number of serious accidents on its rail network  Metro Trains Melbourne launched this brilliant video (created by the advertising agency McCann). Its simple message, catchy tune and lovable animated characters explain why the video went viral in no time.

Since you probably already have the tune stuck in your head, why not download the free MP3 version here. I already did and listen to it while waiting on the DLR... "use your private parts as piranha bate..."lol
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Saturday, 10 November 2012

The thruth is reveiled - How dare you Richard?

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The history of menstruation is a history filled with myths...well not anymore! ;)

The company Bodyform (a trademark of SCA which is a global hygiene and paper company) was confronted with a Facebook post by a guy named Richard who accused the company of lying in their advertisements. His post appeared on October 8th 2012 and Bodyform reacted in a brilliant way by creating a video response on YouTube, within 8 days, in which the CEO of the company comments on Richard's post! 

Facebook users loved the response, the video was viewed over three million times and up to today people congratulate Bodyform on their Facebook page for reacting in this timely and funny manner (Facebook shares: 4,905; likes: 9,532; comments: 926).

Companies need to appreciate the traffic on their social media sites and interact with their publics; and if they are clever they can turn critic into praise and gain publicity like Bodyform did! 

Well done Bodyfom, we kept the myth as long as we could ;)

Any thoughts guys or girls?

Saturday, 3 November 2012

Happy Movember

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Each November thousands of men in the UK and around the world Grow-a-Mo to raise awareness for men's health issues, such as prostate cancer.

Every moustache enthusiast can join the movement by registering online. After becoming a Mo Bro you can start your Movember with a shaved face and start growing and grooming your precious moustache. Just a heads up, beards (if moustache joins sideburns) and goatees (joining of handlebars to the chin) do not count as a Mo. Along with your moustaches goes gentlemen behaviour which will make the ladies love your Mo! Women can also be part of the Movember movement by supporting their fathers, boyfriends, husbands and brothers in sporting a Mo and spreading the word, thus becoming a Mo Sista.

The Mo-effect stated by the websites officials: Mo Bros effectively become walking, talking billboards for the 30 days of November and through their actions and words raise awareness by prompting private and public conversation around the often ignored issue of men’s health.

From a PR point of view this campaign is simply genius. By creating this event the organisations involved get a lot of attention and involve people around the world through social media channels, such as twitter and facebook. Thus, it gets people talking about the issue and they themselves become activists in the cause.

Since 2003, £184 million have been raised around the world to support the organisations Prostate Cancer UK and the Institute of Cancer Research!

Join Now! Your Mo-Sista ;)