Tuesday, 16 October 2012

Take a seat, no CHAIR and have a look at Facebooks first ad

The ad agency Wieden + Kennedy (also known for working with Nike) created the advertisement. 
Quite confusing comparisons take place, apparently Facebook is like a CHAIR and other unrelated objects such as doorbells, planes oh yeah and the universe.  

Facebook CEO Mark Zuckerberg states in a news post, “For the first time in our history, we’ve made a brand video to express what our place is on this earth. We believe that the need to open up and connect is what makes us human. It’s what brings us together. It’s what brings meaning to our lives.”

Dear Mr. Zuckerberg, that all sounds like a great concept behind that ad, but why CHAIRS? 

Apparently I am not the only one asking myself this question...

 What do you think? Is Facebook just an empty chair at the table of life? ;)

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